Postman Generator Attributes 0.0.6

Specification contains various ApiBuilder attributes, which are recognized by Postman Collection Generator

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  • License: N/A


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A set of attribute names, that are recognized by Postman Generator

Name Value Description
postman-basic-auth postman-basic-auth
object-reference object-reference
value-substitute value-substitute


No interfaces



Example Json: Minimal | Full

Interfaces: None

Attribute instructs the generator to add Basic Auth info to the whole Postman collection. Attribute should be defined on the root level of the ApiBuilder specification

Field Type Required? Default Description
username string Yes -

Specifies the username to be used in Postman Collection auth definition. It may be also a variable reference.

password string Yes -

Specified the password to be used in Postman Collection auth definition. It may be also a variable reference. Leave this string empty, when only a username is needed.


Example Json: Minimal | Full

Interfaces: None

Attribute instructs the generator to add a setup step with the referenced entity creation. This attribute should be attached to the field (that holds an identifier) inside model or to the resource path (that holds one path param).

Field Type Required? Default Description
related_service_namespace string Yes -

ApiBuilder service's namespace, in which a target operation is specified.

resource_type string Yes -

Resource type, that holds a referenced operation.

operation_method io.apibuilder.spec.v0.enums.method:0.15.90 Yes -

Referenced operation method.

operation_path string Yes -

Operation path corresponding with the selected {{operation_method}}.

identifier_field string Yes -

A field name. When the referenced operation is called, identifier_field is used to extract the corresponding field from the response JSON. If the response JSON is an array, then a value is extracted from the first object.

query_params map[string] No -

Optionally, the specified query params will be used to execute a referenced operation.

delete_operation_path string No -

Optionally, the referenced entity's DELETE operation path can be put here. If specified, the generator will add a cleanup step for the referenced object.


Example Json: Minimal | Full

Interfaces: None

Attribute instructs the generator to substitute a field value (when generating examples) with specified value or variable reference. Attribute should be attached to a field inside model.

Field Type Required? Default Description
substitute string Yes -

Value, which will be put into the field marked by this attribute. It may be also a variable reference.


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