create table sale_details ( name text not null, sale text not null, sale_key text not null, store text references stores not null, description text, sale_url text not null, begins timestamptz not null, ends timestamptz, image_urls text not null, products ); comment on column is ' Sale name '; comment on column is ' URL to single sale object '; comment on column sale_details.sale_key is ' unique identifier for sale '; comment on column is ' Store key '; comment on column sale_details.description is ' A description of the sale's theme or brand '; comment on column sale_details.sale_url is ' Permalink to sale website '; comment on column sale_details.begins is ' ISO8601-formatted time for beginning of sale '; comment on column sale_details.ends is ' ISO-8601-formatted time for end of sale '; comment on column sale_details.image_urls is ' A map of key/value pairs with the key being the image resolution WIDTHxHEIGHT and the value being an array of image objects. '; comment on column sale_details.products is ' List of URLs to individual product objects (not available if sale is upcoming or sold out) ';