API Builder supports types that are common on the web - and useful for many web applications. For example, many applications work with dates and date times - by explicitly supporting these types, we can simplify working with these types in all web applications, and for type safe languages, we can map to the appropriate classes in each language.
Represents a boolean value
Date format in ISO 8601
Date time format in ISO 8601
Commonly used to represent things like currency values. Maps to a BigDecimal in most languages.
double precision IEEE 754 floating-point number
32-bit signed integer
Represents an arbitrary json value. In scala clients using play-json, maps to a play.api.libs.json.JsValue. In ruby clients, JSON is parsed into an Object
64-bit signed integer
Represents an arbitrary json object. In scala clients using play-json, maps to a play.api.libs.json.JsObject. In ruby clients, JSON is parsed into a Hash
unicode character sequence
Internal type used to represent things like an HTTP NoContent response. Maps to void in Java, Unit in Scala, nil in ruby, etc.
String representation of a universally unique identifier