order-api 0.0.1

Order API




Method and Path Description
GET /orders/:order_id

Get an order by ID.

POST /orders

Create (submit) an order.


No headers


No imports



The credit card brands supported.

Name Value Description
visa visa
mastercard mastercard
amex amex


The processing status of an order.

Name Value Description
open open
submitted submitted
processed processed
shipped shipped
cancelled cancelled
returned returned


No interfaces



Example Json: Minimal | Full

Interfaces: None

An address

Field Type Required? Default Description
first_name string Yes -

The first name.

Example: John

last_name string Yes -

The last name.

Example: Doe

line1 string Yes -

The first line of the address.

Example: 19 Bowery Street

line2 string No -

The second line of the address.

Example: apt 4C

zip string Yes -

The zip code.

Maximum: 5
Example: 10017

city string Yes -

The city name.

Example: New York

state string Yes -

The state name.

Example: New York

country_code string Yes -

The country ISO code.

Example: US


Example Json: Minimal | Full

Interfaces: None

A credit card.

Field Type Required? Default Description
number string Yes -

The credit card number.

Example: 4111 1111 1111 1111

expiration_month integer Yes -

The credit card expiration month.

Minimum: 1
Maximum: 12
Example: 4

expiration_year integer Yes -

The credit card expiration year.

Example: 2021

security_code string Yes -

The credit card security code.

Example: 123

brand credit_card_brand Yes -

The credit card brand.

Example: visa

holder_name string Yes -

The credit card holder name.

Example: Fabio Cognigni


Example Json: Minimal | Full

Interfaces: None

An item of the order.

Field Type Required? Default Description
upc string Yes -

The UPC code for the product.

quantity integer Yes -

The quantity of this item in the order.

Minimum: 1
Maximum: 10


Example Json: Minimal | Full

Interfaces: None

A customer order

Field Type Required? Default Description
id uuid Yes -

The order unique identifier.

Example: e0910d00-ff71-409a-9ad2-f8d1555176d2

user user Yes -

The customer info.

status order_status Yes -

The current status of the order.

Example: shipped

items [item] Yes -

The items of the order.

Minimum: 0
Maximum: 20

billing_address address Yes -

The billing address of the order.

shipping_address address Yes -

The shipping address of the order.

credit_card credit_card Yes -

The payment method used.

summary order_summary Yes -

the order summary amounts


Example Json: Minimal | Full

Interfaces: None

An item of the order.

Field Type Required? Default Description
items_total integer Yes -

The total cost of the items in the order.

shipping_charge integer Yes -

The charge for shipping the order.

taxes integer Yes -

The taxes amount.

total integer Yes -

The total amount.


Example Json: Minimal | Full

Interfaces: None

Customer info.

Field Type Required? Default Description
id uuid Yes -

The unique ID for the user.

email string Yes -

The customer's email address.


No unions


No annotations